
Cinta Transportadora CQ 500

Cinta Transportadora CQ 500

The model CQ500 Tape is ideal for transporting bulk material as any type of fertilizer as the product goes on the band. It is specifically used to unload trucks, trailers, hoppers and silos low. Swivel wheels make great convenience when put just below where you need to download the material. This band has 500mm wide and yields between 70/80 T / H.

Additional information

70 to 80 tons / hour.


To load bulk material and / or fertilizer.


3,5 m long and 1 High mts.


Variable according to length


Composed of folded sheet 3.1mm thick and reinforced with internal crossovers. At the bottom the drive shaft by the electric gear motor is attached. Rolo 120mm in diameter and gumming are also subject chevronado operation that give the band. This structure 3 are rollers which the band uses as a guide and support abullonan. Use a band width of 500 mm.

Head of tensor

Built in Chapa 1/8 "reinforced and is completely blistered. Rolo has a 120mm diameter. This header contains guides to stretch the band. This also is subject nozzle adjustable shock.


Mounted on 1 (one) turning axis which 2 standard wheels 400mm in diameter and 2 other rotating wheels on the bottom rear of the structure are subjected .: band 500mm wide with square drawings (Gofrada)


with Moto-reducer Electric Three Phase 1:10

Loading and Unloading

Punt reception, adjustable nozzle exit

Reviews (2)
  1. Fernando Luengo

    Hola. Quería consultar sobre la altura que tiene la cinta para poder meter debajo de una tolva. Y el precio por favor.

  2. Jorge Reynier

    Buenas tardes,
    cintra transp CQ 500
    a que altura es la descarga??
    cuál es el precio??

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