
Clasificadora DZF3000

Clasificadora DZF3000

The Sorter model DZF3000, is especially used in fixed locations, mostly in warehouses gathering and / or seed treatment sites. Being a machine fixed the only drive that uses are for zarandon and ventilation. Makes 20 T / H Approx. which makes a quick sorting to work in bulk and filled hoppers.

Additional information

20 tons/hour


Cleaning the material to be sorted.


4000 mm long and 1880 mm wide and 2600mm high .


Varies depending on length.


Built completely folded sheet of 3/16 "thick with possibility of abullonar on the floor if you want. It has removable legs 400 and 1000 mm in height to better run the grain if the customer wishes.

(Español) ZarandónZarandon

Constructed completely folded sheet 1.2mm thick providing strength and durability. Composed of a 1500 x 2000mm drawer, which contains 1 (one) plane and another drawer zaranda 1500 x 3000mm, which contains 2 (two) planes of equal shakers. This zarandon works with a system of shaking circular allowing the seed encintrar faster the hole in the sieve.


Use spheres rubber 35mm diameter for cleaning the screens and that they do not get stuck.


electric motor of 2 HP for controlling the zarandon and 5.5 HP engine to send the fan


Composed of 12 (twelve) internal paddles balanced by a variable speed drive and a screen to regulate the flow of air. Is 1500mm wide and 600 mm in diameter, is constituted with folded sheet of 1.2 and 1.6 mm thick. The tacho fan is divided into 2 to have better air circulation.


This sorting does not possess any type of accessory to feed, leave freely available to the customer. Has a receiving hopper at the top.


All heavy impurities, grain boys and party, as light impurities are dismissed by the side of the machine, while on the other side clean grain classified be obtained. All nozzles are falling by gravity.

Reviews (3)
  1. Jacobo Sittner

    Buen día, me podria pasar precio de los 2 modelos de clasificadores fijas DZF3000 y la más chica. Forma de pago y plazo de entrega. Le dejo mi número 3446 410945

  2. Marcos San Miguel

    Buenas tardes.
    Me pueden enviar los planos con las dimensiones alturas de carga y descarga de todas las salidas, es necesario un ciclón para la salida del ventilador ? o trabaja por recirculación de de aire.
    También enviar un presupuesto del valor de la maquina.

  3. Pablo

    Buen día, estamos solicitando presupuestos para la compra de una clasificadora de granos.
    Actualmente se está contratando el servicio de una “chamena”.
    Contamos con una maquina fija instalada que no se encuentra en funcionamiento (Delba 1800), tenemos intenciones de reemplazarla.
    Nos dedicamos a la producción de granos para la industria alimenticia.

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